(919) 749-0344
Massage, tailored to your needs
Serving North Raleigh since 2004, Julie White Massage delivers custom massage therapy to help your body heal itself, decrease acute and chronic pain, and increase health and well-being.
Sessions at Julie White Massage are special because each client is treated to a massage exclusively for their needs, with a therapist incorporating techniques and skills they have mastered and have confidence practicing.

Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic massages are used to relieve chronic aches and pain, as well as muscle tightness throughout the body. Working out these harder to reach muscles may require more pressure, but many clients find they are able to relax with a lighter touch, making both options highly effective.
This massage is designed to address both our physical and emotional wellbeing.
Each therapeutic massage is tailored to address your specific needs. There is no additional charge for aromatherapy, hot stones, muscle balm or cupping.
Prenatal Massage
My prenatal massage is tailored for specific needs of a mother's changing body. This massage supports the changes pregnancy brings to the mind and body, reducing stress and easing physical discomfort.
This gentle kneading massage is supremely comforting both physically and emotionally to an expectant mother, and the psychological benefit itself is quite therapeutic.
Contact Us
804 Salem Woods Drive, Suite 202, Raleigh, NC 27615
(919) 749-0344